When the Road taken Matters
- Strategy is about firstly asking the right questions, sometimes the hard questions.
- From the first engagement, we will examine the effectiveness of your idea or operating model and help you learn how to quickly adapt to dynamic and changing circumstances.
- You may be thinking of building a new product or service, or growth may be through partnerships or acquisitions! Perhaps you are looking at succession planning and exit? The world is not linear, it’s not always certain. Good strategy is incorporating learning agility to change when you need to while ensuring core values are protected.

Market Development
Iterate through the Maze
- Great, you have a business plan! What’s next?
- Too many businesses fail without testing their concept in the real world! Or worse, they invest in a couple of pilots and find the product or service is not scalable.
- We will be there all the way, iterating through the maze, whether its local or international growth you are after.
- So its just not about having the right branding, legal and tax structure, building intellectual property or having worked out the right addressable segment of the market at the right price. We will have skin in the game and help you with M&A, business development, sales, and alliances!
Turnaround, Transformation and Sustainable Growth
Change is Hard But Doing Nothing May not be an Option
- You have built a successful organisation and that is something to be celebrated!
- Do you have the right structure, funding, mix of talent, products and services to meet new opportunities and challenges as they come your way? Perhaps growth into a new market might be something you have thought about but never known how to succeed? Or you’ve have been thinking about automation and digital transformation or whether shared services and outsourcing works or not? These are the right questions, they can be hard questions to ask and to answer!
We have proven expertise from sustainable incremental changes to business turnarounds to global transformation projects. The reality is, change is hard and nothing ever goes exactly to plan. But doing nothing may not be an option.

Advisory Board
Inspired action with good governance
- Our operating model is simple. One morning we can be advising the board room and that afternoon we will roll up our sleeves and work across the company, with organisations of any size, across silos and hierarchies, across any location or cultural divide.
- Whether its renewal of strategy, growth in new markets, pilots of new services or products, managing the P&L or making some real changes to transform your business, we can support in short bursts or over the long haul.
Capital Raising and Partnerships
Stress test for risk
- Connecting to investors is just the start of your journey.
- Our partners can assist with end-to-end M&A capability from capital raising and origination through to conducting due diligence, negotiating contracts and integration.
- Structuring the transaction so that synergies are a win-win for both the buy side and sell side can be arduous and takes careful planning in order to get it right. Even then there are lurking variables that need to be found and factored into the forecast and valuation time and again.
- But the real test is building the cultural alignment between entrepreneurs and management within organisations. Don’t do it well and risk failure! It’s more than a science!
- Our experts will stress test your business assumptions so you can understand and manage potential risks with greater confidence.

Global & Local Business Services
Recalibrate operating models with confidence
- With unprecedented headwinds affecting global trade and investment, many organisations are trying to recalibrate their supply chains, in some cases bringing jobs back home. But the story is far more complex than that.
- Traditionally manufacturing and services have been offshored to reduce costs although over time quality and turnaround times have improved and some have even become centres of excellence in research and innovation. Right-sizing, insourcing or just plain on-shoring – whatever you might want to call it needs to be thought through on various counts.
- Have you thought about how reducing your global footprint might affect your future export growth potential? While building employment opportunities at home is laudable, how will that affect your cashflow? Have well have your thought through digital automation or working with government agencies towards building regional employment opportunities? Our experts can help build and implement a sustainable growth plan.
No Obligation Strategy Review
Ask about our No Obligation Strategy Review today
Digital Enablement for Scale
Build Trust and Grow Business Sustainably Online
Success is Rare
Whether it’s a new idea for a startup or enterprise innovation hub, success is rare! It’s even harder expanding into new markets where cultures and expectations can be very different.

Translate Data into Actions
Especially in today’s extreme conditions where volatility and ambiguity is prevalent. The pulse of change is being able to translate data into purposeful action. With cashflow at a premium, survival depends on making the right decisions.

Build a Scalable Footprint
The Cambridge Combinator is where we invite you to work with us and our team of advisors, investors, and subject matter experts to curate and build a scalable footprint in a collaborative environment designed to help you adapt and succeed.